

Buddhist Hermeneutics of the Tiantai School and Interpretation of the Zhou Changes:A Buddhist Approach to the Zhou Changes by Ouyi Zhixu
摘要 《周易禅解》是蕅益智旭运用天台家法注疏儒家经典《周易》的智慧结晶。四悉说法是天台宗讲经说法绵密细致的体现,智旭以之注疏《周易》,希望由此实现"诱儒以知佛"的目的,他从佛教的立场上认为《周易》充分体现了四悉檀的基本精神。天台宗讲经说法,主张运用因缘、约教、本迹、观心四种方式来解释和消化经典的文句,此谓"四释消文",智旭对"四释消文"的运用,为《周易禅解》披上了天台法衣,使其成为宣扬天台宗思想和义理的一部力作。天台宗主张解行并进,故有十法成乘之说,智旭将此十法运用到了对《周易》的注疏上,充分展现出天台家法在注疏《周易》上的灵活性。天台宗用"六即"判定修行达到的次位高下和境界浅深,智旭时常运用"六即"疏释易卦六爻的基本含义。智旭运用天台家法注疏《周易》,不仅充分展现出天台宗诠释方法的灵活性和有效性,而且还显示出天台宗思维方式与《周易》具有相当程度的同构性。 Zhou yi chan jie (A Buddhist Interpretation of the Zhou Changes) was a gem of wisdom in which the famous monk Ouyi Zhixu (1599 1655) applied Buddhist hermeneutics to his interpretation of the Zhou Changes. The adherence to the "four doctrines discoursed by Buddha" was an embodiment of the meticulousness of the Tiantai School's interpretation of Buddhism. Zhixu approached the Zhou yi in this way in order to attract Confucians to know more about Buddhism. From his Buddhist perspective, the Zhou Changes adequately represented the fundamental spirit of the four doctrines. When discour sing on Buddhism, the Tiantai School tends to employ four methods of yin yuan, yue jiao, ben ji, and guan ^-in to under stand Buddhist sutras. Zhixu also applied these methods to his interpretation of the Zhou Changes and made the work into his masterpiece advocating the thought and principles of the Tiantai School. In addition, this school emphasizes the understand ing of dharma and taking action together, which gave rise to ten stages of contemplation. Zhixu also connected these stages with the Zhou Changes, by which his flexibility when interpreting the Zhou yi was thoroughly manifested. The Tiantai School uses liu ji (six different levels) to predicate one's level and realm in the understanding of Buddhism. Zhixu also often correlates these levels to the six line statements of some hexagrams. Zhixu's approach to the Zhou yi not only sufficiently re-veals the flexibility and effectiveness of the Tiantai School's hermeneutics, but also manifests a significant isomorphism be- tween the mode of thinking of the school and the Zhou Changes.
作者 韩焕忠
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 2016年第4期64-71,共8页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 蕅益智旭 天台家法 《周易禅解》 Ouyi Zhixu Buddhist hermeneutics of the Tiantai School Zhou yi chart jie
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  • 6[明]智旭《周易禅解·序》,载《嘉兴藏》第20册,第395页中.
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