Based on the quantitative test by detecting tube and dynamic gas generator, the deodorant rate of six fibers of cotton, wool, deodorizing acrylic, viscose, hemp, and polyester absorbing three main composes of sweat odor including ammonia, acetic acid and isovaleric acid were tested. The virtual try-on studies of six kinds of the socks were developed. And tile odor intensity of 6 kinds of socks was studied by sensory analysis. The results showed that among natural fibers the wool fiber had an excellent property which can greatly absorb sweat odor. The flame retarded properties of different blending yarns such as modacrylic, fire retardant viscose or cotton yards with wool fiber were tested, and the good flame retarded properties of wool blend yarns were got. Based on the above experiments, the antimicrobial, anti-odour and flame retarded under wear fabrics were developed. The new instance indicates the multi-functional wool fiber could be available.
flame retardant