

Test and Analysis on Special Vehicle Occupant's Basic Cognitive Ability
摘要 从认知能力的基本内涵出发,确定了某特种车辆乘员基本认知能力影响因素测试内容,即深度知觉、注意力分配、空间知觉、眼手协调、声/光简单反应时、注意广度和注意力集中能力,等等.被试在静态环境下进行测试,通过三倍标准差的方法对测试结果进行处理,并运用方差分析方法对测试结果进行分析.测试结果表明:乘员双眼深度知觉准确性好于单眼深度知觉;乘员对光的反应要快于对声音的反应,在3种声音中,乘员对高音的识别能力最强,其次是低音,最差的是中音;乘员在双任务的注意力分配过程中对声、光的反应能力明显低于单任务过程;乘员对块形的空间知觉能力最强,其次是条形,最差的是不规则形;乘员跟踪不同形状图案的注意力集中程度不同,同时受到图案转向的影响;不同年龄段、学历、地区对乘员各项认知参数的影响并不明显. Starting from the connotation of basic cognitive ability, this paper confirms the test factors that affect the basic cognitive ability, including the depth perception, allocation of attention, spatial perception, sound/light simple reaction time, attention span, attention focus ability, and etc. The participants were tested in a static environment and the test result was processed by the method of trple times standard deviation and analyzed by means of variance analysis method. Tested results show that the accuracy of occupant binocular depth perception is better than monocular, the occupant' s reaction to light is faster than sound, in the three kinds of sound, the best recognition ability is high sound, the second is the bass, the worst is the tenor. In the dual task distribution process, the occupant' s reaction to sound and light is significantly lower than the single task process; the occupant' s space perception to block is the strongest, followed by the bar and the worst is irregular; the attention focus degree about occupant' s tracking to different shape design is different, and could be also influenced by the change of design. The factors of the occupant's age, educational obvius influence on the various cognitive parameters. background and born region' s do not provide anobvius influence on the various cognitive parameters.
出处 《车辆与动力技术》 2016年第3期21-26,共6页 Vehicle & Power Technology
关键词 车辆 乘员 认知能力 脑力资源 能力测试 vehicle occupant cognitive ability mental resources ability test
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