

Corrosion and Anti-corrosion in Super-critical Water Power Plant
摘要 综述超临界机组的腐蚀,包括不同制造材料,如奥氏体不锈钢、马氏体不锈钢、镍基合金、钛基合金等在超临界水中的腐蚀行为与机理。探讨腐蚀的机理与水工况之间的联系。在此基础上,综述超临界机组中,为防止腐蚀所采用的水化学调控与加药策略,以及在化学加药和腐蚀防护上的最新研究进展。 The corrosion behavior and the corrosive reaction mechanism in super-critical water for various materials, such as Austenitic steels, Martensitic steels, Nikel-alloy and Ti-alloy,were reviewed. The correlation between corrosion and parameters o{ the water was discussed in detail. Furthermore, the recent strategy adopted for anti-corrosion by adjusting the water parameters with various additives was also introduced.
作者 阳永娟
出处 《化学世界》 CAS CSCD 2016年第9期590-595,共6页 Chemical World
关键词 超临界机组 超临界水工况 材料腐蚀 加药与防护 supercritical power plant parameters of supercritical water materials corrosion anticorrosion additives
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