
多江汊上河床式电站过渡过程涌波特性 被引量:1

Surge Waves Characteristics of Water Retaining Type Hydropower Station on Multiple Channel River
摘要 河床式水电站过渡过程涌波对机组运行有明显影响,当电站布置于中隔岛洲的多条江汊上时,涌波问题尤为突出。对此,采用已验证的Delft3D二维模型,模拟分析了涌波大小的影响因素、涌波组成成分、涌波传播和反射规律,回答了最大涌波产生工况、涌波影响范围、涌波主波特点等问题,并具体模拟了某两岛三江上实际水电站的涌波特性,指出多江之间往复传播的纵向涌波是最主要的涌波成分。研究成果可为类似水电站的设计和运行调度提供参考。 Water retaining type hydropower stations are placed on multiple channel rivers.In transient process,significant surge waves will appear in the multiple channels and cause negative impacts on the stability of the power plant units.Delft3 Dwas applied to study the influencing factors and behaviors of surge waves.Influence effects of surge wave size,propagation law of surge wave and its impacts on reservoir water level were obtained.Based on the study of Changzhou hydropower station,adverse impacts on units of surge waves and flow pattern of reservoir were analyzed.The results of this paper can be useful to the engineering design of similar hydropower station.
出处 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2016年第9期173-177,共5页 Water Resources and Power
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51579187)
关键词 涌波 过渡过程 Delft3D 河床式水电站 明渠非恒定流 surge waves transient process Delft3D water retaining type hydropower station unsteady channel flow
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