

Health Quality Management Methods in Low-and-Middle Income Countries and Its Enlightenment
摘要 通过文献复习,介绍了部分中低收入国家提高卫生质量的几种管理方法:标准化临床评估法、医疗记录保存法、卫生项目认证法,并分析了其面临的挑战及未来的发展方向。提出了改善我国卫生质量管理的建议:建立专业的卫生质量管理组织、建立科学化的卫生质量评价流程、加强卫生质量管理信息化建设、促进卫生服务多主体监管等。 Through literature review, this study introduced several management methods to improve the health quality in low - and - middle income countries : standardized clinical evaluation method, medical record retention method, health project certification method. The faced challenges and future direction were analyzed. Recommendations to improve the quality of health management were proposed- the establishment of the professional health quality management organizations, the establishment of a scientific health quality evaluation processes, and strengthening the information construction on health quality management, and pro- moting the multi - agent supervision on health service.
出处 《中国卫生质量管理》 2016年第5期81-83,共3页 Chinese Health Quality Management
关键词 中低收入国家 卫生质量管理 启示 Low- and- Middle Income Countries Health Quality Management Enlightenment
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