
普伊格及其作品《蜘蛛女之吻》国内外研究综述 被引量:1

Summary of Study on Manuel Puig and His Work Kiss of Spider Woman
摘要 曼努埃尔·普伊格在当代拉美文坛占有重要地位,作为"后POP派"的领袖人物,他与"后博尔赫斯派"分庭抗礼,却未受到国内学者的充分重视,重申普伊格的地位并概述其国内外研究现状,对拓展拉美文学研究有着重要意义。 Manuel Puig plays a vital role in contemporary Latin American literature.As a leader of "PostPop", he matches "Post-Borges" yet has received scant attention by Chinese scholars.In order to expand Latin American Literature study,it is significant to reclaim the status of Puig and summarize domestic and foreign research situation.
作者 王心乐
出处 《福建师大福清分校学报》 2016年第4期33-37,共5页 Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University
关键词 曼努埃尔·普伊格 《蜘蛛女之吻》 拉美文学 Manuel Puig Kiss of Spider Woman Latin American literature
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