

Brief Discussion of Ideological Political Work and Personal Ethics
摘要 新常态下,思想政治工作任重道远,对思想政治工作者提出了更高的要求。目前,思想政治工作对个人伦理的关注度还不够,一些问题还没有引起思想政治工作者的应有重视。个人伦理以人为本,注重主体感受和个性需求,是思想政治工作必须面对的新课题。思想政治工作要行之有效,就必须关注人性弱点,与时俱进,多措并举,触动灵魂,深入人心,使个体生命得到完善,进而推动社会的和谐发展。 Under the new normal, ideological and political work has long way to go, which sets out further requirements. At present, the ideological and political work pays less attention to personal ethics. Some of the ethic problems do not attract enough attention of the ideological and political workers. Personal ethics is people-oriented with the focus on the subjective feelings and individual needs. It is a new subject for ideological and political work. To be effective in ideological and political work, we have to concern human weakness- es, advance with the times, take multiple measures, and win support among the people so as to achieve perfection and promote the harmonious development of the society.
作者 王哲芳
出处 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期126-128,共3页 Journal of Langfang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 新常态 思想政治工作 个人伦理 以人为本 new normal ideological and political work personal ethics people-oriented
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