
激光钎焊及激光填丝熔焊在北京奔驰焊接中的应用 被引量:8

Application of laser brazing and laser fillet welding in BBAC
摘要 从设备应用及质量调整等方面介绍了激光钎焊及激光填丝熔焊在北京奔驰白车身上的应用。开发了一套完善的激光钎焊及填丝熔焊接系统,激光源选择TRUMPF公司开发的TruDisk系列激光源,激光工作头选用SCANSONIC公司开发的ALO3系列,并选配Weldeye系统对焊接过程进行监控记录;设计了一套基于ALO3激光工作头的工艺调试办法和参数设计,介绍焊接姿态、焊接参数以及焊接轨迹的设计;总结裸眼判断焊缝质量的方法,列举了单边连接不良、熔深以及气孔等几种常见的焊接缺陷以及优化方法。结果表明,激光钎焊及激光填丝熔焊焊接质量良好且长期稳定,废品率低。 With the background of the body shop in Beijing Benz Automotive Co. Ltd. ,the application of laser brazing and laser fillet welding is described in this paper. The system of laser brazing and laser fillet welding was developed, which based on TruDisk laser source designed by TRUMPF and ALO3 optic designed by SCANSONIC. The Weldeye system amounted on the optic was used to monitor welding process. A method of process optimization and parameter setting was designed ,including welding posture of the ALO3,welding parameter setting and robot path of the welding process. A method of checking quality of the welding seams using human eyes was concluded. Some kinds of defects and the ways to optimize them were illustrated like jointing fault and pores. The result shows that with the equipment choosing,welding technology, parameter design and quality control, laser brazing system and laser fillet welding system are stable, and the quality of the seams can meet the requirement.
出处 《电焊机》 2016年第9期48-53,共6页 Electric Welding Machine
关键词 激光钎焊 激光填丝熔焊 白车身 焊接质量控制 laser brazing laser fillet welding BIW welding quality control
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