

Review on On-ramp Traffic Crotrol Algorithms of Urban Expressway
摘要 入口匝道控制在缓解城市快速路交通拥堵、提升瓶颈路段通行能力以及加强快速路安全性与稳定性具有显著效果。本文根据调节方法与实时交通状态之间的关系将匝道控制分为定时控制与自适应控制,并对自适应控制中的局部控制、合作型协调控制、竞争型协调控制、交通集成型协调控制典型算法的原理及优缺点进行分析,比较。最后在总结现在算法的基础上,对未来快速路匝道控制的研究方向进行了分析展望。 Ramp metering has been proved to have a significant effect on alleviating traffic congestion and increasing capacity at its bottlenecks as well as enhance the urban expressway safety and stability. According to the relationship of the control method and the state of the traffic state,the algorithms can be classified to pre- timed and adaptive. In this paper,the classical algorithm of the adaptive algorithms such as isolated ramp metering,cooperative ramp metering,competitive ramp metering and integral ramp metering is analyzed,compared. In the end,based on the generalization of current on- ramp algorithms,the prospects of on- ramp metering algorithms of urban expressway are put forwoad.
作者 方传武 丁丽
出处 《青海交通科技》 2016年第4期32-35,共4页 Qinghai Transportation Science and Technology
关键词 交通工程 城市快速路 入口匝道控制 综述 traffic engineering urban expressway on-ramp metering review
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