
中国南沙驻军岛礁现状与开发战略研究 被引量:7

A Study on Current Situation and Development Strategies of Nansha Islands Garrisoned by China
摘要 南沙群岛中目前有驻军的岛礁数量为51座,越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、中国分别占据其中的29座、8座、6座和8座。中国驻军岛礁位于南沙群岛核心部位,具有得天独厚的"地利"优势,可充分借此优势将中国南沙人工岛规划建设为南沙海域的行政管理中心、交通枢纽、渔业基地和油气基地,并附以一定程度的军事建设为南沙海域安全提供保障。我国驻军的美济礁、渚碧礁、永暑礁互为犄角,且现已建设成南沙最大的人工岛屿,在此建设军事基地能够有效地监控和维护南沙海域的海空安全,并且可以同步建设为我国开发南海中建南盆地、万安盆地、南薇西盆地和礼乐盆地的石油开发与保障基地。建议采取"西进东出"的策略,以永暑礁作为西进的战略基点,抢先进行南沙西部深水油气的勘探开发作业;以美济礁作为东出的战略基点,强化对南沙东部的无人岛礁的控制,同时加快对南沙东部渔业资源和礼乐盆地油气资源的开发进程。 The number of garrisoned islands and reefs in Nansha islands is 51. Among these islands and reefs,Vietnam occupied 29,Philippines occupied 8,Malaysia occupied 6,China only occupied 8 of them. The islands garrisoned by China are located in the heart of Nansha Islands which have an unique 'location 'advantage.Taking this advantage,China could plan and position its artificial islands as government center,transportation hub,fishery base,oil and gas base in the area of Nansha. At the same time, military construction is also recommended to provide a guarantee of security. The Meiji Reef,Zhubi Reef and Yongshu Reef are surrounded by each other,and they had been built into the largest artificial islands in Nansha. Constructing military base on the above three artificial islands could effectively monitor and maintain security around Nansha. What's more,oil and gas base construction on the three islands is also recommended to provide support to exploit oil and gas resources in Zhongjiannan basin,Wan'an basin,Nanweixi basin and Liyue basin. Finally,a new strategy is proposed as ‘propel westward and move eastward'. Yongshu island is proposed as a start point of‘propel westward',and new operation should be carried out immediately to exploit and develop deepwater oil and gas resources in the west zone of Nansha. On the other hand,Meiji island is proposed as a start point of ‘move eastward',and new operation is also supposed to carried out progressively to strengthen China's control of uninhabited reefs and speed up the process of exploiting fishery resources,oil and gas resources in the east zone of Nansha.
作者 林文荣 殷勇
出处 《亚太安全与海洋研究》 2016年第5期68-80,125-126,共13页 Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs
关键词 南沙群岛 驻军岛礁现状 开发战略 Nansha islands current situation of garrisoned islands development strategies
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