

The Impact of Self-construal on Social Media Activity and Advertisement Involvement
摘要 随着微信朋友圈Feed流广告推送的兴起,微信平台如何科学地对用户进行筛选,投放定点广告,成为了微信和广告投放商家共同关心的问题。该研究考察了朋友圈定点广告推送中,用户自我构念对其活跃度和广告卷入的影响。结果表明,不同的自我构念类型对活跃度及广告卷入影响不同,同时,用户活跃度对广告卷入有显著正向影响。该研究丰富了自我构念在社交媒体情境下的相关理论,并对企业和微信平台投放朋友圈Feed流广告提供了管理启示。 As the Wechat feed advertisement springs up, how to use Wechat platform to achieve better advertising effect by selecting targeted users becomes an important issue to the marketers. This research aims to resolve this question by studying the influence of self-construal on the users' activity in social media and their involvement to advertisement in the Wechat feed advertisement. The result shows that different type of self-construals have different influences on the activity of social media and advertisement involvement. At the same time, users' activity has significantly positive influence on their involvement of the advertisement. This study enriches the research of self-construal theory in the context of social media, and we offer some managerial implications for enterprises and Wechat platform for promoting Wechat feed advertisement.
出处 《现代广告》 2016年第17期42-48,共7页 Modern Advertising
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目号:71402091),教育部人文社会科学项目(项目号:14YJC630066)和上海市哲学社会科学规划课题(项目号:2013EGL007)资助
关键词 自我构念 社交媒体活跃度 广告卷入 Self-construal, Social media activity, Advertisement involvement
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