After several rounds of discussion and negotiation in the house of chambers in UK,the Terrorism Act 2006 defines the indirect incitement to terrorism as a criminal offence with rather specific conditions and remedies. Although the Act was promulgated shortly after the London bombing and was criticized for the ambiguity on some key norms,the possible infringement to freedom of expression and the uncertainty of law,it is still of important reference to the improvement of the legislation concerning the crime of incitement to terrorism in China. It is suggested that an explanatory note or guideline on the crime of incitement to terrorism shall be published for the unification in the application of law. Meanwhile,the incitement crime by means of the publishing of terrorism statement and the dissemination of terrorist publications shall be regulated separately,and some specific preconditions and procedural guarantees shall be added into the current law for a balance of combating terrorism and protecting free-dom of expression.
Journal of National Prosecutors College