
基于DAA的轻量级多商家多重息票系统 被引量:2

Lightweight multi-coupon system for multi-merchant environments with DAA
摘要 基于Brickell等的DAA(direct anonymous attestation)方案提出一个支持多商家环境的多重息票系统。新系统将多重息票中的关键元素与抗篡改的TPM(trusted platform module)芯片进行绑定,从而能更有效地阻止用户的共享行为。新系统的构造过程使用了Chow等的服务器辅助签名验证技术、Yang等的自盲化证书技术以及Peng等的区间证明技术,使用户在息票发布和兑换协议中均无需执行低效的对运算。相对于多个同类系统,新系统同时满足多个较理想的性质,而且与ARM TrustZone平台上的移动支付框架兼容。此外,新系统在通信和运算耗费方面具有明显优势。 A multi-coupon system for multi-merchant environments was proposed by extending the DAA(direct anonymous attestation) scheme of Brickell etc. The new system bound the key elements in multi-coupon with the tamper-resistant TPM(trusted platform module)chip, so that it could prevent users from sharing behavior more effectively. By using the server-aided signature verification of Chow etc, the self-blindable credential technique of Yang etc, and range proof of Peng etc, the new system does not require customers to perform expensive pairing operations in the issue protocol and the redeem protocol. Compared with previous similar systems, the new system simultaneously satisfies several ideal properties and it is compatible with the mobile payment framework on the ARM Trust Zone platform. Moreover, it has obvious advantages in aspects of communication and computation costs.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期30-45,共16页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.61173139) 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(No.ZR2015FL023 No.ZR2014FL011) 山东省高等学校科技计划资助项目(No.J14LN61) 山东青年政治学院博士科研启动经费资助项目(No.14A007)~~
关键词 多重息票 直接匿名证明 服务器辅助签名验证 区间证明 不可分割性 multi-coupon direct anonymous attestation server-aided signature verification range proof unsplittability
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