目的 探讨铅眼罩联合齐能隐形眼镜护理液在眼睑肿瘤放射治疗中的应用及临床意义。方法 眼睑肿瘤每次放射治疗时均配戴合适的铅眼罩保护眼球。铅眼罩配戴前,用新鲜的齐能隐形眼镜护理液将储存的铅眼罩两面各冲洗3-5 s。铅眼罩每次使用后应及时清洁、冲洗,每次处理铅眼罩前须将双手清洁并抹干,然后用自来水或矿泉水冲洗铅眼罩的两面并揉搓,再用足量的齐能隐形眼镜护理液冲洗铅眼罩的两面各3-5 s以去除所有的残留物。将铅眼罩放在储存盒中,注入适量齐能隐形眼镜护理液以完全浸没铅眼罩,铅眼罩至少浸泡在护理液中6 h。疗效主要根据病灶的治愈及是否发生角膜溃疡、结膜炎、放射性白内障影响视力来判断。结果 3例痊愈,视力、结膜、角膜均正常。结论用5 MeV的电子线照射眼睑部位的肿瘤、用4.0 mm厚的铅眼罩行眼球保护是可行的。齐能隐形眼镜护理液对铅眼罩的清洁、冲洗、消毒及贮存等亦是可行的。
Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of lead eyeshade and Qiheng contact lenses solution in eyelid tumor radiotherapy. Methods Patients should wear lead eyeshade to protect eyeball during eyelid tumor radiotherapy. Lead eye- shade should be rinsed with Qiheng eontaet lenses solution for 3 - 5 second before use. After lead eyeshade usage, it should be cleaned and rinsed with water and adequate amount of contact lenses solution. Lead eyeshade should be immersed in contact len- ses solution for at least 6 h before next usage. Efficacy were evaluated according to incidence of radioactive cataracts, eonjunetivi- tis,eorneal ulcers. Results All 3 patients were cured of eyelid tumor by radiotherapy and eyesight,eonjunctiva and cornea were not hurt. Conclusion Protection of eyeball with lead eyeshade is feasible in eyelid tumor radiotherapy. Qiheng contact lenses so- lution is effective in clean, rinse, disinfect and storage of lead eyeshade.
The Practical Journal of Cancer
Lead eyeshade
Eyelid tumor