中 Trarislation 在过去的一百年间.好莱坞和全球电影界为我们奉上了众多极富创意而又激动人心的剧本。《大都会》、《阿凡达》和《艺术家》等原创影片为众多优秀编剧、导演和演员的创意赋予了活力。然而,大家可能也注意到了过去几十年的一种趋势.
English Hollywood and the world of cinema has given us so many creative and breathtaking scripts over the last 100 or so years. Original ideas such as Metropolis, Avatar, and The Artist have brought the creativity of so many great writers, directors, and actors to life; however, you may have noticed a trend over the last several decades: Directors are remaking many classic films.
English Corner