

The Biography of Zhou Bin and His Tenure in Yueqing
摘要 作为苏轼好友,曾任乐清县令的周邠传略过去一直阙如,而《全宋诗》《全宋文》周邠小传,不仅简略且有讹误,故方健先生据可信史料,经考辨后重新编写,使人们对周邠的生平有基本的了解。但囿于体例,其编写的小传考证过程一概从略,使人感到结论突兀,且对周何时任乐清县令,所据有误。故特以补周邠小传考证过程,辨正周任乐清县令时间,并就周邠在乐清的事迹作详尽考索。 As a good friend of Su Shi’s, the brief biography of Zhou Bin who used to be the magistrate of Yueqing is lacking for times. While the biographies of Zhou Fen in The Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty and The Complete Works of the Song Dynasty is too simple with lots of errors. Therefore, Mr. Fang Jian re-compiled a short biography of Zhou Bin through textual research and examination based on credible historical data, which makes people have a basic understanding of Zhou Bin’s life. But confined by stylistic rules and layouts, the short biography compiled by Mr. Fang Jian omitted all the textual research process, which makes people feel the conclusion sudden and incongruity. Besides, the proof that attested Zhou Bin who once was the magistrate of Yueqing is also somewhat mistaken. The paper tries to make a supplement to the biography with the research process, which gives an accurate time when Zhou Bin was in position of the magistrate of Yueqing and makes the detailed record of what Zhou Bin did in Yueqing.
作者 潘猛补 PAN Mengbu(Department of Ancient Books, Wenzhou Library, Wenzhou, China 32500)
出处 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第5期74-79,共6页 Journal of Wenzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 宋代 周邠 苏轼 乐清 Song Dynasty Zhou Bin Su Shi Yueqing
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