Objective: To explore the expression and significance of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) in 4-nitroquinoline 1 -oxide(4NQO) induced rat tongue carcinogenesis. Methods: A total of 80 Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups. Rats in experiment group were administered orally with 0.001%-0.004% 4NQO for 8-28 weeks,while rats in the control group were administered with tap water. Then the rats were killed at 8, 16, 2 0, 2 4 ,28 weeks and their tongues were removed for general observation,histological assessment and HSF1 immunohistochemical staining. Results: Gross changes were observed,including granulations,white patches, verruca, cauliflower-like shape leukoplakia and ulcer-like changes on the posterior part of the tongue dorsum of experimental group with increasing concentrations and prolonged action of 4NQO. Their corresponding histopathological results ranged from hyperplasia, mild dysplasia (MiDP),moderate dysplasia (MoDP) and severe dysplasia ( SDP),in situ carcinoma (ISC) to early invasive carcinoma (EIC). The incidence of tongue cancer in rats treated with 4NQO for 8,16, 2 0, 2 4 ,28 weeks was 0, 20.0%, 50.0%, 66.70% and 100%. Rat tongue mucosa epithelium of the control rats was almost negative or low for HSF1 staining. But with the aggravation of the tongue mucosal dysplasia,the positive expression of HSF1 of the experimental rats increased obviously. HSF1 was distributed through-out the entire cancer nest in carcinoma in situ. The expression of HSF1 was low- in cancer epithelium of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma,while high in carcinoma stromal fibroblasts. Conclusions: 4NQO drinking water can induce rat tongue carcinogenesis, wich helps to successfully establish the rat tongue carcinogenesis model and HSF1 may play a key role in the development of the cancer.
Oral Biomedicine