Hengjian Proton Medical Facility (HJPMF) is the first proton therapy device being built in Guangdong province. To ensure the radiation safety of HJPMF, two methods of emprical formulas calculation and Monte Carlo codes simulation were used to calulate and analyze its prompt radiation and induced radioactivity, and optimization design for its original shielding structure was conducted according to dose limit. The results shown that, the original shielding structure basically satisfies the requirement of shielding prompt radiation, but the thickness of outer concrete wall can be optimized and decreased greatly by soil shielding to save cost, and the thickness of several mazes and shielding walls can be optimized. The results also shown that, the induced dose rates from compo-nents in cyclotron room and from patients in treatment room are comparatively large and should be governed strictly. The research proved that both the empirical formulas and FLUKA or MCNPX code can be used to shielding design for proton medical facility, but the Monte Carlo codes are more suitable to the situations with sophisticated structure and induced radioactivity.
Southern Energy Construction