
西方城市公共交通空间研究进展:一个地理学的视角 被引量:4

Advances in Space Research of Western Urban Public Transport:A Geography Perspective
摘要 得益于交通地理学跨学科优势及其自身的政策性倾向,西方城市公共交通空间研究充分汲取各学科所长,在过去30年间取得了长足的进步,已完成了基础理论和研究体系的架构,其中15篇论文在城市公共交通空间研究知识网络演进中起到关键作用。当前城市公共交通空间研究正沿着"物质—社会—人本"的路径演化,从单一问题研究向多维综合研究发展,可达性与连接性、服务质量与服务均等性、运行效率与规划政策、网络复杂性、公共交通—土地利用一体规划以及公交出行行为等成为当前研究的核心问题。然而相较于其他交通方式,西方城市公共交通空间研究仍显不足,同时受交通地理学实证主义限制,创新多集中在方法论上。最后基于中国城市公共交通空间研究现状提出了今后努力的方向:一是加强城市公共交通空间研究的社会和文化转向;二是从"供给—需求"的二维视角解放出来,建构公共交通的"供给—需求—产出"三维空间研究框架,加强公共交通运行的空间可持续研究。 In this paper, on the basis of traditional literature statistics and the Web of Science database, the current situation of space research in western urban public transport wTas analyzed from a geographic perspective with the help of CiteSpace Ill. The study found that thanks to the interdisciplinary advantages of transpoortation geography and its own policy preferences,space research of western urban public transport has made ct^nsideralile progress in the past three decades, it has ct^mpletely built up its basic theory and research systeim, in which 15 papers played a key role in the knowledge network evolution of space research in western urban public transport. Now, the space research of western urban public transport is experiencing the evolution path from material to social and to humanistic. The research perspective also has developed from a single question to the multidimen-sional comprehensive study. Accessibility and connec: tivity, service quality and service uniformity, operational efficiency and plan-ning poilicy,network complexity,integrated planning of public transport- land use bus and travel behavior have become the core issues. However, compared to other transport modes, space research of western urban public transport is still insufficient, as well as by the positivism restriction of transport geography, innovation is more focused on the methodology. Finally, based on the current situation of space research in Chinese urban public transport, the direction of future efforts wTas put forward. First is to strengthen the social and cultural turn of space research in urban public transport, the second is to construct the three dimen 2 sional space research framework of "supply demand output" so as to enhance space sustainable research of public transport run-ning.
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期87-96,共10页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41671123)
关键词 城市公共交通 CiteSpaceIII 交通地理学 知识脉络 urban public transport CiteSpace Ⅲ transport geography knowledge network
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