目的:探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除患者术前睡眠质量与术后疼痛的关联性。方法:在接受腹腔镜胆囊切除手术的患者中,通过条件设置筛查后随机抽取96例,通过术前填写中国睡眠研究会根据WHO有关标准制定的《深睡眠质量评估表》评分,以4分为界限分为两组,分别于术后6 h、12 h、24 h使用视觉模拟评分法,比较两组疼痛的平均分以及下降率。结果:术后6 h、12 h、24 h的疼痛评分值相比,深睡眠质量评分<4分组的疼痛评分值明显低于深睡眠质量评分>4分组,并且随时间推移,深睡眠质量评分<4分组的疼痛评分下降百分率更明显。结论:术前的睡眠质量的提高对术后疼痛感觉的降低有积极意义。
Objective To approach on relevance of preoperative sleep quality to postoperative algesia of patients who undergoperitoneoscope gallbladder excision surgery. Method 96 cases are conditionally screened out for the study from patients who under go peritoneoscope gallbladder excision surgery,which were graded by preoperativelyfilling the Deep Sleep Quality Assessment Table created by the China Sleep Research Society( CSRS) in the light of related regulations of WHO. Two groups formed by the dividing line of Four Points were to be graded through the Visual Analogue Scale( VAS) respectively within 6 hours,12 hours and 24 hours after the surgery,comparing the average scores of algesia of both groups as well as the decline rates. Results Comparing with the group that was graded inferior to and greater than Four Points through deep sleep quality assessment. there was a decline respectively within 6 houes,12 hours and 24 hours in the score of algesia for the patients belonging to the group that was graded inferior to Four Points through deep sleep quality assessment. And over time,a deep sleep quality score less than four groups of pain score decline rate was more odvious. Conclusion It is significantly positive to decline postoperative algesia by improving preoperative sleep quality.
Jilin Medical Journal
Peritoneoscope gallbladder excision surgery