目的探讨青光眼滤过术后浅前房形成的常见原因及预防、处理方法。方法方便选取该院收治的96例112眼青光眼行滤过术进行回顾性分析(2013年3月—2015年4月)。观察96例112眼青光眼滤过术发生原因眼数所占的比例。结果 30例32眼发生浅前房。滤过过强的眼数有27眼,占总比的(24.11%),脉络膜脱离的眼数有18眼,占总比的(16.07%),结膜瓣漏水的眼数有22眼,占总比的(19.64%),恶性青光眼即睫状环阻滞性青光眼的眼数有25眼,占总比的(22.32%),睫状环阻滞与瞳孔阻滞的眼数有20眼,占总比的(17.86%)。结论青光眼患者,术前及术后控制眼压,一旦发生滤过术后浅前房,针对发生原因,合理治疗,大多数可取得满意结果。
Objective To investigate the common causes,prevention and treatment of shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma filtering operation.Methods Convenient selection aretrospective analysis was made on the 112 cases of 96 patients with eyes(March 2013 to April 2015 years).The duration of the start and end of the study was also observed.The proportion of112 eyes of 96 eyes with glaucoma filtering operation was observed Our hospital treated.The result is too simple,can not explain the problem,and then add a note Write down the main results of the survey or research,including representative and persuasive digital. Results Not empty words.Shallow anterior chamber occurred in 32 eyes of:30 cases.Filtration is too strong number of eyes in 27 eyes,total ratio(24.11%),choroidal detachment in eyes of 18 eyes,total ratio(16.07%),number of eye conjunctival flap leakage have 22 eyes,total ratio(19.64%),malignant glaucoma that ciliary block glaucoma eyes with 25 eyes,total ratio(22.32%),ciliary block and pupillary block number of eyes have 20 eyes,accounting for the total ratio(17.86%). Conclusion Glaucoma patients,preoperative and postoperative control of intraocular pressure,once the shallow anterior chamber after filtering,for the reasons,reasonable treatment,most of the results can be achieved.
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Shallow anterior chamber