目的了解社区居民健康生活方式知识知晓情况和行为改变情况,评价多专业团队健康教育和行为干预的效果。方法在项目镇随机抽取2个农村社区为干预组,在距离项目镇较远的镇随机抽取2个农村社区为对照组。在健康教育实施前后,分别在每个社区随机抽取75名18岁及以上居民,以面对面问卷的形式入户调查,了解项目镇健康教育后社区居民健康生活方式知晓情况及行为改变情况。结果健康教育前后共调查居民593人次,其中干预前300人、干预后293人。健康教育和行为干预后,干预组健康生活方式知识知晓率94.0%,对照组83.1%(P<0.05);干预组居民日均食盐摄入量估算不超过6 g的比例为20.1%,对照组为5.4%(P<0.05);干预组居民日均食油摄入量不超过25 g的比例为34.7%,对照组为24.2%(P<0.05);干预组男性居民最近1周没有吸烟的比例为38.5%,对照组为22.2%(P<0.05);干预组居民近1月平均日饮酒量不多于25 g的比例为84.0%,对照组为71.1%(P<0.05);干预组居民1周锻炼5次以上且每次30 min以上的比例为58.3%,对照组为35.6%(P<0.05)。结论多专业机制开展生活方式健康教育和行为干预可显著提高社区居民健康生活方式知识知晓率,改善行为生活方式,减少慢性病的发病风险。
Objective To analyze the changes of health lifestyle knowledge level and behaviors among residents in communities, and evaluate the effect of multi-professional cooperation group on health lifestyle intervention. Methods 2 rural communities in project town were randomly selected as intervention group, and 2 rural communities far away from inter- vention group were randomly selected as control group. 75 persons aged 18 and over fi'om each community were randomly se- lected to take part in face-to-face questionnaire survey before and after the health education in order to understand the effect of health education in intervention group. Results A total of 593 residents took part in 2 times of investigation, including 300 persons before intervention and 293 persons after intervention. After the intervention, the awareness rate of healthy lifes- tyle in the intervention group was 94. 0% , while the rate in control group was 83.1% (P 〈 0. 05 ). The percentage of the residents whose daily salt intake was less 6 g was 20. 1% in the intervention group, while the percentage was 5.4% in the control group ( P 〈 0. 05 ). The percentage of the residents whose daily cooking oil intake was less 25 g was 34.7% in the in- tervention group, while the percentage was 24. 2% in the control group (P 〈 0. 05 ). The percentage of the resident who did not smoke over past week in male was 38.5% in the intervention group, while the percentage was 22. 2% in the control group ( P 〈 0. 05). The percentage of the resident whose average daily alcohol consumption was less 25 g was 84. 0% in the intervention group in last month, while the percentage was 71.1% in the control group (P 〈0. 05). The percentage of the residents who took physical exercise more than 5 times per week and more than 30 minutes per time was 58.3% in the inter- vention group, while the percentage was 35.6% in the control group (P 〈 0. 05). Conclusion Using multi-professional cooperation group to carry out lifestyle health education and behavior intervention can significantly improve health knowledge awareness and their behavior and lifestyle, and reduce the risk of chronic disease among rural residents in communities.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Multi-professional cooperation group
Health education
Behavior intervention
Effect evaluation