
含菊粉及维生素D_3牛奶对乳糖不耐受人群骨骼健康的影响 被引量:6

Effects of milk with inulin and vitamin D_3 on bone health and gastrointestine symptoms in lactose intolerance population
摘要 目的评价含有菊粉和维生素D——3的纯牛奶对乳糖不耐受人群骨骼健康、钙吸收率和胃肠道症状的影响。方法采用双盲随机对照设计,42名乳糖不耐受患者随机分入A/B组,A组每天给予含菊粉150 mg/100 g,维生素D_3 2.0μg/100 g,酪蛋白磷酸肽5.0 mg/100 m L,乳矿物盐40 mg/100 g的纯牛奶;B组给予低乳糖纯牛奶,在干预的0周、6周分别检测骨强度、钙吸收率和胃肠道症状。结果 A组干预6周后骨强度值较0周有显著增加(P=0.013);钙吸收率有所上升,胃肠道症状评分降低,但差异无统计学意义。B组干预6周后骨强度、钙吸收率和胃肠道症状评分的改变差异无统计学意义。6周后,骨强度、钙吸收率和胃肠道症状评分在2组间差异无统计学意义。结论在乳糖不耐受患者中,含菊粉、维生素D3、酪蛋白磷酸肽及乳矿物盐的纯牛奶能显著改善骨骼健康,且饮奶后胃肠道不适程度与饮低乳糖牛奶相似。 Objective To investigate the effects of milk with inulin and vitamin D3 on bone health and gastrointestinal symptoms in lactose intolerance( LI) population. Methods A total of 42 volunteers diagnosed as LI by breath hydrogen test were randomized into A or B group. Whole milk supplemented with inulin( 150 mg /100 g),vitamin D3( 2. 0μg /100 g),casein phosphopeptides( 5. 0 mg /100 m L),milk minerals( 40 mg /100 g),and low-lactose whole milk were given to A or B groups respectively. Bone mass density( BMD),calcium absorption and gastrointestinal symptoms were measured at the 0th and6 th week of the intervention. Results After 6 weeks,BMD increased significantly in group A( P = 0. 013). In group B,BMD also increased but the trend was not significant.Calcium absorption increased in group A but decreased slightly in group B,the trends in both groups lacked of statistic significant. Gastrointestinal symptoms were ameliorated in both groups,but still there was no significance. For all the measurements,there was nostatistic significant difference between groups. Conclusion Milk with inulin and vitamin D3 could improve bone health in LI population,gastrointestinal symptoms after drinking this certain milk were analogous to low lactose milk.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期801-806,共6页 Journal of Hygiene Research
关键词 菊粉 乳糖不耐受 骨骼 消化道 inulin lactose intolerance bone gastrointestinal track
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