
纳米碳负显像结合^(99m)Tc-MIBI术中定位甲状旁腺的研究 被引量:7

Research for intraoperative localization of parathyroid gland using nanocarbon imaging combined with ^(99m)Tc-MIBI
摘要 目的:探索甲状旁腺功能亢进手术中运用纳米碳混悬液和低剂量^(99m)Tc-MIBI定位旁腺的临床应用。方法:将44例继发性肾性甲状旁腺功能亢进患者随机分为3组,即低剂量^(99m)Tc-MIBI+纳米碳(组Ⅰ)、高剂量^(99m) Tc-MIBI+纳米碳(组Ⅱ)、对照组(组Ⅲ)。比较其术前术后甲状旁腺激素(PTH)、血钙、术中甲状旁腺同位素放射量等实验数据。采用t检验和方差分析进行统计学处理。结果:术后PTH组Ⅰ为(23.8±32.4)ng/L,组Ⅱ为(15.8±18.2)ng/L,组Ⅲ为(90.1±139.4)ng/L,组Ⅰ与组Ⅱ均明显小于组Ⅲ,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),组Ⅰ与组Ⅱ之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3组术中甲状旁腺的体内、体外放射量对比无明显差异。结论:纳米碳+^(99m)Tc-MIBI对继发性甲状旁腺手术有重要的定位价值,而低剂量的^(99m)Tc-MIBI可以减低患者的费用、降低辐射,同时可以达到相同的应用结果。 Objective:To explore the clinical application of nanocarbon(NC)suspension liquid combined with low dose of ^(99m)Tc-MIBI for parathyroid localization in the hyperparathyroidism surgery.Method:Forty-four patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism(SHPT)in the department of head-neck surgery of Renji Hospital,affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University,School of Medicine,were enrolled and randomized into 3groups including low-dose ^(99m)Tc-MIBI+ NC group Ⅰ,high-dose ^(99m)Tc-MIBI+ NC group Ⅱ,and control group Ⅲ.We compared the level of PTH,serum calcium before and after operation,and the intraoperative amount of radioactive isotopes of parathyroid gland,etc.Use t-test and Anova for statistical processing.Result:After operation,the PTH levels in group Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ were(23.8±32.4)ng/L,(15.8±18.2)ng/L,(90.1±139.4)ng/L,respectively(groupⅠ vsⅢ,P〈0.05;group Ⅱ vsⅢ,P〈0.05,group Ⅰ vsⅡ,P〉0.05).The intraoperative amount of radioactive isotopes of parathyroid gland had no significant difference among groupⅠ,groupⅡand groupⅢ.Conclusion:Nanocarbon combined with ^(99m)Tc-MIBI for SHPT surgery has important localization value.And low dose of 99 mTcMIBI can reduce the cost and radiation,which can achieve the same outcome for patients.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第18期1463-1466,共4页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
基金 仁济医院种子基金(No:RJZZ15-024)
关键词 99MTC-MIBI 甲状旁腺功能亢进 甲状旁腺定位 低剂量 纳米碳 99mTc-MIBI hyperparathyroidism localization low dose nanocarbon
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