Objective To develop a Meibomian Gland Microprobe and a Lavage Injection Needle suitable for Meibomian Gland Probing under slit lamps. Methods The front of the 7th needle was removed. A size of 0.16×35/0.2×35 acupuncture needle from the needle file was inserted with 4.5mm exposed. The acupuncture needle handle was cut off and fixed it to the needle tube. 75° of the exposed needle core was turned to make a meibomian gland probe. The pinhead of the 4th skin-test needle was removed and then reduced the front inner size of the tube, grinding into a tapered blunt injection needle. Results For the patients with meibomian gland obstruction, after cleaning and local anesthesia to the eye lid, dredge was accomplished successfully, expansion and injection lavage to the meibomian glands under slit lamp. Conclusions The Meibomian gland Microprobe and meibomian gland lavage injection needle can work very well for Meibomian Gland Probing and dredging under slit lamps in clinics which will be a good method fulfill the clinical demands.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
MGD (Meibomian Gland Disfunction)
Meibomian Gland Obstruction
Meibomian Gland Microprobe
Meibomian Gland Lavage Injection Neddle