INTRODUCTIONSymmastia is defined as the medial confluence of both breasts or unification of the breasts by soft tissue on the sternum rendering them inseparable. It was first described in the plastic surgery literature by Spence et al. in 1984. Two forms of symmastia exist; acquired and congenital,Acquired symmastia is a very common condition that results as an iatrogenic complication of over-dissecting a pocket, or using implants with a diameter that is too large in proportion to the chest wall during breast augmentation or reconstruction.
INTRODUCTIONSymmastia is defined as the medial confluence of both breasts or unification of the breasts by soft tissue on the sternum rendering them inseparable. It was first described in the plastic surgery literature by Spence et al. in 1984. Two forms of symmastia exist; acquired and congenital,Acquired symmastia is a very common condition that results as an iatrogenic complication of over-dissecting a pocket, or using implants with a diameter that is too large in proportion to the chest wall during breast augmentation or reconstruction.