
基于文献计量学的家庭照顾者相关研究现状及热点分析 被引量:7

Status quo and hot spots in studies on family caregivers: a bibliometric analysis
摘要 目的:通过文献计量学方法探究近年来家庭照顾者相关的研究现状与热点。方法:计算机检索Pub Med中与家庭照顾者研究相关的文献,检索范围为2011年1月1日-2016年7月1日,采用BICOMB和图形聚类工具g CLUTO对文献进行关键词词篇矩阵、双向聚类分析,形成主题词聚类曲线图、主题词聚类矩阵及主题词聚类树状图。结果:共4 945篇文献纳入分析,抽取出现频次≥36次的主题词82个,聚类分析获得家庭照顾者相关研究的6个研究热点:脑卒中患者家庭照顾者的社会心理干预、精神疾病患者家庭照顾者的干预研究、家庭照顾者心理健康状况、阿尔茨海默病患者家庭照顾者心理健康干预、艾滋病患者家庭照顾者心理健康状况、肿瘤患者家庭照顾者心理健康干预。结论:近年来国外学者重视家庭照顾者相关的研究,研究的重点主要集中在对家庭照顾者心理健康状况的调查和干预方面。 Objective To analyze the status quo and hot spots in studies on family caregivers by bibliometric analysis. Methods Pub Med-covered papers on family caregivers from 2011-01-01 to 2016-07- 01 were retrieved and analyzed by BICOMS and g CLUTO to generate subject heading clustering curve,subject heading clustering matrix and subject heading tree. Results Six hot spots were detected in studies on family caregivers from 4945 papers from which 82 subject headings were extracted with a frequency ≥36,including social and psychological intervention of family caregivers for ischemic stroke patients,intervention of family caregivers for mental disease patients,mental health of family caregivers,mental health intervention of family caregivers for PD patients,mental health of family caregivers for AIDS patients,and mental health of family caregivers for tumor patients. Conclusion Importance is attached to the studies on family caregivers by foreign and domestic scholars with their studies focused on the investigation and intervention of mental health in family caregivers.
出处 《中华医学图书情报杂志》 CAS 2016年第9期34-42,共9页 Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science
关键词 家庭照顾者 聚类分析 研究热点 文献计量学 Family caregivers Clustering analysis Study hot spots Bibliometrics
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