从社会-生态系统适应性理论出发,借鉴脆弱性研究中的适应性理论来研究我国易地移民搬迁农户的适应策略和适应力,构建了移民搬迁农户的生计适应性分析框架,并以陕西安康移民搬迁工程为例,通过实地调查和访谈获取了安康搬迁农户的调查数据,分析了安康移民搬迁农户的生计适应策略、适应力感知及其影响因素。分析发现安康移民搬迁农户在搬迁之后采用了四种生计适应策略,即传统生计专业化型、非农专业化、补贴依赖型和多样化生计,这四种类型占全部搬迁农户样本的比例分别为:28.6%、34.3%、18.3%和18.8%。搬迁农户的适应力感知类型与搬迁类型、安置类型存在着统计上的显著差异。尤其是搬迁农户收入等级类型与适应力感知之间存在显著差异,越是高收入户,越表示收入增加,搬迁后"稳得住、能致富"的情况则越好;而贫困户搬迁之后的生计适应、生计安全状况令人担忧。此外,搬迁农户不同的生计适应策略与其适应力感知也存在着统计上的显著差异。总体上看,搬迁之后,非农专业化和传统生计专业化的农户收入减少的更少、表示收入增加的更多、适应力更好,而补贴依赖型、生计多样化型农户的适应状况要差一些。本文进一步采用MULTINOMINAL LOGISTICS回归模型分析了安康移民搬迁农户适应力感知的影响因素。结果显示,政府主导的移民安置方式、搬迁类型、搬迁农户所获得的扶贫项目数对搬迁农户生计适应情况并没有显著的影响,搬迁农户也没有随着搬迁时间的增加而提高其适应力;当地搬迁农户劳动力也存在一些闲置、土地林地需要进一步提高生产经营效率等。当地地方政府仍需要进一步完善移民搬迁方案和对移民搬迁农户的精准帮扶措施,发展后续产业,提高其适应力。
The paper uses the adaptability of social and ecological system to study the adaptation strategy and adaptive capacity of relocated households in China, based on the adaptation theory in vulnerability research. Firstly, the paper builds the analytic framework of relocated households' livelihood adaptive capacity. Then, the paper makes empirical research on the livelihood adaption strategies, perceived adaptive capacity of rural relocated households and their influencing factors by taking the Relocation and Settlement Program (RSP) in Ankang City, Shaanxi Province as an example and using the data from our field survey and interviews of the relocated households there in November 2011. The paper has some important and interesting findings. The relocated households have four kinds of adaption strategies, viz. traditional livelihood specification, non farm livelihood specification, subsidy dependence and livelihood diversification, and they are 28.6%, 34.3%, 18.3% and 18.8% of the total sample. There are statistically significant differences on the perceived adaptive capacity among the sampled relocated households of different relocation reasons and resettlement types. Additionally, the perceived adaptive capacity also differs by their income. The higher income level the households belong to, the better they perceively their living status after they relocate. Besides, the perceived adaptive capacity of relocated households is also statistically significant different among the relocated households with different livelihood adaptation strategies. In general, the relocated households of non-farm specialization and traditional livelihood specialization have better adaptive capacity. The households decreascation less income; that is to say, their increased more income. In contrary, the relocated households of subsidy-dependent and livelihood diversified suffered relatively poor adaptation capacity. Finally, we analyze the affecting factors of relocated households' perceived adaptive capacity by adopting muhinomial logistic regression model. The results show that the relocation and resettlement types, and poverty reduction projects, which are government dominated, have no significant impacts upon the perceived adaption capacity, and the relocated households have not increased their capacity during the relocation years. There is some labor surplus, and productivity of farmland and forestland needs to be improved. So the local government still needs to improve the relocation and resettlement policies, design accurate aiding programs for the relocated households, and to increase subsequent industries, etc. in the relocation areas.
China Population,Resources and Environment
Relocation and Settlement Program (RSP)
rural relocated household
livelihood adaptation strategy
perceived adaptation capacity