将高精度RKDG(Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin)正保护格式推广应用于多介质流动问题的数值模拟.通过近似求解双激波Riemann问题来得到界面处流体的流动状态,证明了Riemann问题解的正保护性质,利用RGFM(Real Ghost Fluid Method)界面处理方法定义界面边界条件,将多介质问题转化为单介质问题进行计算,得到一维多介质流动问题的高精度RKDG(Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin)正保护数值模拟方法.对多个一维问题进行数值模拟,数值结果表明文中所给出的正保护算法,能准确捕捉界面和其他间断的位置.
The positivity preserving high order RKDG (Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin) method is extended to the simulation of one-dimensional multi-medium flow problem. The fluid states at the interface are obtained by solving the double shock Riemann problem approximate- ly. The positivity preserving property of the solution of the Riemann problem is proved. The in- terface processing method named RGFM (Real Ghost Fluid Method) is used to define the boundary conditions, and the multi-medium problem is transformed into a single media problem to calculate. Therefore, the high-order positivity-preserving numerical method for one dimen- sional multi medium flow problem is obtained. Numerical simulation of a number of one-dimen- sional problems are carried out, and the results show that the proposed algorithm can accurately capture the location of the interface and other discontinuities.
Journal of Xi’an University(Natural Science Edition)
RKDG ( Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin) method
the positivity-preservinglimiter
RGFM (Real Ghost Fluid Method)
high order accuracy