对 94例患有乳头扁平或凹陷的孕妇 ,产前指导进行乳头伸展法练习 ,抽吸器抽吸法纠正 ,辅乳器 (乳胶奶头 )诱导新生儿早吸吮 ,结果凹陷扁平乳头纠正 ,纯母乳喂养成功率达 10 0 %。
Prenatal guidance was made in 94 cases of pregnant women with flat or umbilicate nipples .The ways induded doing exercises of nipple extension, sucking with aspirator and using assisted milk pump (with latex nipple) to help babies suck early. The results showed that all the umbilicate or flat nipples were corrected successfully and the rate of breast feeding reached 100%.
Nanfang Journal of Nursing