随着2012年美国JOBS法案颁布,借助互联网平台、大数据技术,美国互联网众筹迅速发展,已逐渐成为美国个人和小微企业为项目筹资的主要渠道之一。本文通过论述美国互联网众筹的发展现状,特别是分析美国两大互联网众筹平台Kickstarter和Angel List的实际案例,进而提出美国互联网众筹对我国互联网众筹健康发展的有益启示。
Along with the introduction of JOBS Act, with the assistance of internet platform and big data technology, internet crowdfunding market in the USA has been greatly expanded and become one of the major methods for individuals and small- scale entrepreneurs to finance for their projects. In the context of the rapid development of internet finance and entrepreneurs' eager desire for fund in China, this essay introduces the current situation of the development of American internet crowdfunding, illustrates the cases of two famous crowdfunding platforms in the USA Kickstarter and AngelList, and concludes the enlight- ment to internet crowdfunding in China in order to promote its development.
Journal of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics