目的了解老年慢性非传染性疾病(慢性病)出院患者的抑郁状况及其影响因素,为制订针对性的出院指导提供依据。方法 2015年1月—2015年6月采用老年抑郁量表对232例出院老年慢性病患者进行调查,了解老年慢性病出院患者抑郁状况。单因素分析采用F检验,计数资料采用秩和检验,多因素分析采用多重线性回归分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果了解老年慢性病出院患者抑郁发生率为50.40%,经单因素分析,高龄、女性、无配偶、小学及以下程度老人和大专及以上老人、从不参加体育活动者其抑郁状况最差,对比差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。经多重线性回归分析,影响老年慢性病出院患者的抑郁总分的主要因素有年龄、性别、参加体育活动、生活能否自理、疾病对日常生活影响程度,对比差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论影响老年慢性病出院患者的抑郁状况的因素众多,护士在实施出院护理时,重点应关注高龄、女性、无配偶、文化程度低、生活不能自理、疾病对日常生活影响严重的患者,并有针对性地做好出院指导,改善老年慢性病患者的抑郁状况。
Objective To investigate depression in the discharged elderly patients with chronic diseases and its influencing factors so as to provide them with corresponding discharge instructions.Methods Investigating the depression of 232 elderly patients with chronic diseases discharge with geriatric depression scale.F test was used in single factor statistical analysis, and sighed rank test was used in count data,multiple linear regession was used in multiple factors,and P〈0.05 means significant statistical differences. Results The prevalence rate of depression in the discharged elderly patients with chronic diseases was 50.40%.The single factor statistical analysis showed that the accident of depression in elderly,women,no spouse,lower or higher education level,lower physical activity frequency was high(all P〈0.05).The multivariate statistical analysis showed that the depression of the aged was mainly influenced by age,gender, physical activity frequency, activities of living and degree of disease impact on daily life(all P〈0.05). Conclusion Multiple factors may influence the depression in the discharged elderly patients with chronic diseases.Nurses should attach importance to those patients with aging,women,no spouse,lower education level,lower activities of living,serious disease impact on daily life and those needing post-discharge care.
Journal Of Community Medicine