
四川省2001-2014年审定小麦品种加工品质参数变化规律 被引量:4

Variations of Parameters of Wheat Processing Quality of Cultivars Released from 2001-2014 in Sichuan Province
摘要 【目的】对四川省农作物品种审定委员会2001-2014年审定的124个小麦品种的加工品质变化规律进行分析,有利于全面认识四川小麦加工品质现状,为下一步品质育种提供参考。【方法】根据小麦品种品质分类标准GB/T17320-2013,分析区试中各个品种在四川省井研县和荣县加工品质参数的平均值。【结果】124个品种粗蛋白质含量(%)、湿面筋含量(%)、Zeleny沉降值(m L)和稳定时间(min)的均值分别为13.98±1.08、29.18±4.16、33.72±9.41和3.79±2.01。审定品种的粗蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量均值较高,达到中强筋并接近强筋水平。Zeleny沉降值均值处于中筋水平。稳定时间均值偏低,接近弱筋水平。达到优质强筋、中强筋、中筋和弱筋标准的品种分别有2、6、41和5个,占审定品种的1.61%、4.84%、33.06%和4.03%。达到强筋、中强筋和中筋小麦品种的稳定时间均偏向标准的下限。以2001-2005、2006-2010和2011-2014三个时间段分析品种的品质参数,发现粗蛋白含量和湿面筋含量平均值递减。粗蛋白含量从14.19%递减到13.78%;湿面筋含量从31.68%递减到27.70%。沉降值和稳定时间随时间递增,沉降值从30.07 m L递增到36.88 m L,稳定时间从3.42 min增加到4.31 min。聚类分析表明所有审定品种按以上四项品质指标聚为五类,各种筋力水平的品种可被清晰分开。【结论】四川省审定小麦品种在井研和荣县的品质表现以中筋为主,但稳定时间偏低,延长稳定时间有发展强筋和中强筋小麦的潜力,降低蛋白质含量具有发展弱筋小麦的潜力。 [Objective] Following the national standard GB/T 17320-2013, we analyzed the variations of processing quality of 124 wheat cultivars released from 2001-2014 by the cultivar certification committee of Sichuan province. This research would be helpful to understand the present situation of wheat processing quality in Sichuan province, and would provide reference information for wheat quality breeding. [Method] The averages of different processing quality parameters for each cultivar, planted in Jingyan and Rongxian of Sichuan province, were used for analysis. [Results] The average of protein content (%), wet gluten con- tent(%), zeleny sedimentation value (mL) and the stable time (rain) was 13.98+1.08, 29.18+4.16, 33.72+ 9.41 and 3.79+2.01, respectively. When compared to GB~ 17320-2013, we found that the average of pro- tein content and wet gluten content was relatively high(close to the minimum value of strong gluten group), and the average of zeleny sedimentation value fell into a range for medium gluten group, and the average for stable time is relatively low (close to the maximum value for weak gluten group). There were 2, 6, 41 and 5 of the 124 cultivars meeting the requirement for strong gluten, medium-strong gluten, medium gluten and weak gluten groups, respectively. As expected, the stable time of strong gluten, medium-strong gluten and medium gluten were close to the lower limits of standard. When analyzing the processing pa- rameters of cultivars released in 2001-2005, 2006-2010 and 2011-2014, we found that the average of protein content (from 14.19% to 13.78%) and wet gluten content (from 31.68% to 27.70%) decreased gradu- ally, while the average ofzeleny sedimentation value (from 30.07 mL to 36.88 mL) and stable time (3A2 min to 4.31 min) increased gradually. Cluster analysis indicated that 124 Sichuan wheat varieties were clustered into five groups. [Conclusion] Taken together, the most wheat cultivars in Sichuan are of medium gluten and with short stable time, and breeding of either strong gluten or weak gluten cuhivars is possible by increasing stable time or decreasing protein content, respectively.
出处 《四川农业大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期282-288,297,共8页 Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University
基金 四川省科学技术厅应用基础项目(2014JY0075)
关键词 品质育种 优质小麦 生态环境 wheat quality breeding cuhivars with good quality ecological environment
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