
格奥尔格的“唯美主义的纲领诗”——解读《我的花园不需要空气不需要热》 被引量:2

George's“Programmatic Poem of Aestheticism”
摘要 斯特凡·格奥尔格是19世纪末20世纪初德国著名诗人。1892年,他在巴黎出版了诗集《阿尔嘎巴》,其中最著名的一首诗《我的花园不需要空气不需要热》,被德国学者称为其"唯美主义的纲领诗"。本文把这首诗与法国唯美主义文学经典文本进行比较,并结合唯美主义的核心理念"为艺术而艺术"在19世纪欧洲的演变以及康德、席勒的审美理论,对这首诗进行文本细读。本文认为,格奥尔格作为一个德国现代诗人,他在吸收法国唯美主义艺术的同时,又返回到了康德与席勒的美学传统,以自己独特的艺术实践,宣告了唯美主义思潮这一"世界性因素"从英国、法国传到德国诗坛以后发生的美学的变化与突破。 Stefan George is a preeminent German poet in the late 19th and early 20th century. In 1892 he published a collection of poems Algabal in Paris. "Mein garten bedarf nicht luft und nicht wairme," as the most famous poem of this poem cycle, is called by German critics his "Programmatic poem of aestheticism." Based upon interpretation of this poem and comparison with French aestheticist classics, this paper goes into the central doctrine "l'art pour l'art" of aestheticism and aesthetic theories of Kant and Schiller, in order to put George in the tradition of European aestheticism and gain an in- sight into his aestheticism, that is, in absorbing French aestheticism, George, as a modern German poet, returns in his way to Kant's and Schiller's aesthetics. George's aestheticism shows the changes and breakthroughs brought about by aestheticism which as a "Global element" took place from English, French to German literature.
作者 杨宏芹
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期95-106,共12页 Foreign Literature
关键词 格奥尔格《阿尔嘎巴》 《我的花园不需要空气不需要热》 唯美主义 为艺术而艺术康德 席勒 世界性因素 Stefan "George, Algabal, "Mein garten bedarf nicht luft und nichtwarme", aestheticism, l'art pour l'art, Kant, Schiller, global elements
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  • 2Boehringer, Robert (Hg.). Briefwechsel zwischen George und Hofmannsthal. Munchen: Helmut Kiipper, 1953.
  • 3Braungart, Wolfgang. "Georges Nietzsche. Versuch einer Selbstkritik." Jahrbuch des freien deutschen Hochstifts (2004) : 234-58.
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  • 9Karlauf, Thomas. Stefan George. Die Entdeckung des Charisma. Munchem Karl Blessing, 2007.
  • 10Mojem, Helmuth. "Algabal bei den Phantasten? Stefan George und Paul Scheerbart." George-Jahrbuch 4 (2002/2003) : 36-78.











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