
对“人”的颠覆与美学自由——论德国作家博纳文图拉《守夜》中的破界 被引量:1

Subversion of“Man”and Aesthetic Freedom:On the Transgression in Bonaven^tura's Nachtwachen
摘要 德国作家博纳文图拉的小说《守夜》自19世纪初问世之后,不仅因其强烈的颠覆性而久遭冷遇,而且其作者之归属历经了长期的论争。在后世的研究中,这部似与其时代格格不入的小说恰因强烈的破界与反叛精神而受到关注。本文着重探讨的是,这部虽不入主流却恰好出现在这个时期的作品的特殊性体现在哪些方面,它与当时备受关注的"人"的问题、人类学讨论有怎样的关联,它在当时的人类学话语和美学话语中有何独特意义等。 Nachtwachen, the novel by Bonaventura (pseudonym) at the beginning of the nineteenth century, stayed unvalued for a long time because of its strong destructive, subversive feature. Furthermore, the question of authorship remained unsolved until the latter part of the twentieth century. However, nowadays this novel draws much more attention in academic circles just because of its transgression and rebellion. In this context, the present paper examines the special meaning of the work, i.e. how this novel relates to the study of "man" and the anthropological discussion at that time, and which aspects of the novel participate in the construction of the anthropological and the aesthetic discourse of the era.
作者 贾涵斐
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期107-116,共10页 Foreign Literature
基金 对外经济贸易大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(15QD03) 国家社科基金项目"1800年前后德语文学的美学转向研究"(14BWW063)
关键词 博纳文图拉《守夜》破界 人类学 美学自由 Bonaventura, Nachtwachen, transgression, anthropology, aestheticfreedom
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