
负泊松比蜂窝抗冲击性能分析 被引量:24

摘要 对一种新型蜂窝结构-负泊松比多凹角蜂窝及凹角蜂窝的面内抗冲击性能进行了系统分析。首先利用有限元软件Ansys/LS-DYNA分析了多凹角蜂窝及凹角蜂窝结构在不同速度冲击荷载作用下的变形模态,揭示了凹角蜂窝结构特有的负泊松比效应对提高其抗冲击强度的作用机制;随后根据经典理论模型,得出凹角蜂窝结构动力学强度的经验公式,与有限元结果的对比分析验证了所得理论经验公式的有效性,同时凹角蜂窝较传统正六边形蜂窝结构更高的动力学强度揭示了凹角蜂窝结构更优的吸能效果。 The in-plane dynamic crushing behavior of a new honeycomb structure-the multi-re-entrant honeycomb and reentrant honeycomb topology possessing negative Poisson' s ratio was analyzed here. Firstly the finite element method of ANSYS/ LS-DYNA was applied to examine the deformation modes of multi-re-entrant honeycomb and re-entrant honeycomb under different impact loads, where the physical mechanism for the auxetie effect on improving the dynamic crushing strength is revealed. Then the empirical formula of the dynamic crushing strength was deduced based on the classical theory model, where comparisons with the finite element results revealed the effectiveness of the proposed empirical formula. Higher dynamic crushing strength reveals that the re-entrant honeycomb possesses better energy absorption ability than conventional hexagon topology due to its antitraditional deformation mechanism.
作者 侯秀慧 尹冠生 HOU XiuHui YIN GuanSheng(School of Civil Engineering, Chang' an University, Xi' an 710064, China School of Science, Chang' an University, Xi' an 710064, China)
出处 《机械强度》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期905-910,共6页 Journal of Mechanical Strength
基金 国家自然科学基金(11402035) 中国博士后科学基金(2013M540724) 陕西省博士后科研项目资助~~
关键词 多凹角蜂窝 有限元模拟 负泊松比 动力学强度 经验公式 Multi-re-entrant honeycomb Finite element simulation Negative Poisson' s ratio Dynamic crushing strength Empirical formula
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