Safe fluorescent gene-transfection vectors are in great demand for basic biological applications and for gene-therapy research. Here, we introduce a new type of luminescent silicon nanoparticle (SiNP)-based gene carrier suitable for determining the intracellular fate of the gene vehicle in a long-term and real-time manner. The presented SiNP-based nanocarriers simultaneously feature strong and stable fluorescence, high DNA-loading capacity and gene-transfection efficienc35 as well as favorable biocompafibility. Taking advantage of these unique benefits, we were able to readily observe the behavior of the gene carriers in live cells (e.g. cellular uptake, intracellular trafficking, and endosomal escape) in a long-term and real- time manner. The results demonstrate the potential usability of these fluorescent SiNP-based gene vectors as powerful tools in the field of gene therapy, and provide invaluable information for understanding the intracellular behavior of gene carriers.
Safe fluorescent gene-transfection vectors are in great demand for basic biological applications and for gene-therapy research. Here, we introduce a new type of luminescent silicon nanoparticle (SiNP)-based gene carrier suitable for determining the intracellular fate of the gene vehicle in a long-term and real-time manner. The presented SiNP-based nanocarriers simultaneously feature strong and stable fluorescence, high DNA-loading capacity and gene-transfection efficienc35 as well as favorable biocompafibility. Taking advantage of these unique benefits, we were able to readily observe the behavior of the gene carriers in live cells (e.g. cellular uptake, intracellular trafficking, and endosomal escape) in a long-term and real- time manner. The results demonstrate the potential usability of these fluorescent SiNP-based gene vectors as powerful tools in the field of gene therapy, and provide invaluable information for understanding the intracellular behavior of gene carriers.
We express our grateful thanks to Prof. H. J. Dai's and Prof. S. T. Lee's valuable comments. We also appreciate financial support from the National Basic Research Program of China (Nos. 2013CB934400 and 2012CB932400), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61361160412, 31400860 and 21575096), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (Nos. BK20130052 and BK20130298), and a Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD).