

From Lecture Notes to Academic Publication—— A Probe into History of Fine Arts Development in China(Ancient times to Six Dynasties) and "Introduction to Paintings in Ancient China" by Fu Baoshi
摘要 1935年6月,傅抱石受聘中央大学讲授"中国美术史"课程,基本沿袭了朝代更替编年纪事的传统方法,编成《中国美术史》(上古至六朝)讲义。他坚持以美术为本体,注意到美术现象诸如画家、画作等和政治制度、思想文化、时代精神等相互之间的联系,运用古代典籍中大量历史的和美术的材料,分析美术史一些现象、发展的过程和运动的规律。然其译述成份较重,在傅抱石学术研究走向成熟的过程中,学习、积累的意义大于原创的意义。后来,他结合课程讲授之需经过学术酝酿,专门选择古代绘画部分不断修订,展开了深入的系统论述。1940年11月,傅抱石完成专文《中国古代绘画概论》,探讨原始社会直到秦汉的上古时期绘画史实。他改变了以往重著录、传记的话语方式,而代之一种来自美术史观和美术史识的思维型铺陈,重视对历史事实之间因果关系的探求,从丰富复杂的历史中找出普遍性的、可以反映时代特征和本质意义的典型现象,然后从这些现象的具体分析和阐述中解释古代绘画发展规律,显示了在新观念统辖下学术视野的扩展、观察角度的转换和写作方式的更新。从《中国美术史》(上古至六朝)到《中国古代绘画概论》,真实呈现出傅抱石从最初为教学努力编写的讲义到不断修订、综合利用科学新方法的专论著述的学术历程和成长轨迹,由此成为其学术逐渐走向成熟的重要见证。 In June of 1935, invited to give lectures on history of fine arts development in China, Fu Baoshi compiled the lecture notes in the annalistically chronicle way, with fine arts at the core of study. The relevance and interaction between painters and their pieces, the political system, ideology and times spirit caught his attention and lead to his probing into the rules of fine arts development by roughing through voluminous ancient literature on history and fine arts. His reference to and interpretation of ancient literature, though with little originality, marked the accumulative milestone on his academic research. As lectures proceeded, he focused on the part of paintings and deliberated on it theoretically and systematically. By November 1940, "Introduction to Paintings in Ancient China" was completed, roughing out the detailed history of fine arts development from primeval times to Qin and Han dynasties. Instead of focusing on minute record of historical facts, Fu Baoshi put premium on the rules and ideologies that underpinned fine arts development, which proved to be innovative in writing styles and academic lookout. The process in which lecture notes of the course of History of Fine Arts Development in China (Ancient times to Six Dynasties) evolved into "Introduction to Paintings in Ancient China" lent testimony to Fu Baoshi becoming academically proficient.
作者 万新华 Wan Xinhua
出处 《艺术探索》 2016年第4期15-33,共19页 Arts Exploration
关键词 傅抱石 《中国美术史》(上古至六朝) 通史 讲义 课堂 《中国古代绘画概论》 Fu Baoshi, History of Fine Arts Development in China (Ancient times to Six Dynasties), General History, LectureNotes, Lesson, "Introduction to Paintings in Ancient China"
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