
危重症护理高仿真模拟教学过程中护生体验的质性研究 被引量:9

Qualitative Study of Experience of Nursing Students in the Process of Simulation Teaching of Critical Nursing
摘要 目的深入了解护生在危重症护理高仿真模拟教学过程中的真实体验。方法 2014年7-11月,采用目的抽样法,选择参加高仿真模拟教学课题类实验研究的17名护生为研究对象,采用半结构式、焦点小组访谈的形式收集资料,借助NVivo8.0软件,根据Colaizzi的7步分析法对资料进行分析,提炼主题。结果护生在危重症护理高仿真模拟教学过程中的真实体验可归纳为3个主题,即情景仿真可激发学习兴趣、环境仿真可提供安全的实践、实训仿真使应对充满信心。结论危重症护理高仿真模拟教学为护生提供了无风险、逼真的实践环境,可活跃学习气氛,有利于提高护生的学习积极性和团队合作意识,提升综合能力。 Objective To discuss the true experience of nursing students in the process of simulation teach-ing of critical nursing.Methods By using purposive sample method,17 nursing students were selected and had focus group interviews,semi-structured interviews were conducted,and data were analyzed by NVivo 8.0 software,and Colaizzi method was used to extract the themes.Results Three themes were extracted:scenario simulation can stimulate interest in learning,environment simulation provide safe practice, students were full of confidence in coping after training simulation.Conclusions The critical nursing simu-lation teaching provide students with the safe,realistic practical environment,and it can active learning at-mosphere,improve students’learning enthusiasm and team spirit,as well as promote comprehensive ability.
出处 《解放军护理杂志》 CSCD 2016年第15期1-5,共5页 Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
基金 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目(12ZS191)
关键词 高仿真模拟教学 危重症护理 护生 体验 simulation teaching critical nursing nursing students experience
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