

Study of the feasibility on medical gas suction feeding device for replicating model of respiratory failure in dogs
摘要 目的探讨医用气源汲送装置复制呼吸衰竭犬模型的可行性及稳定性。方法以犬为研究对象,采用自行设计的气源汲送装置,通过调控吸入氧气(O_2)、二氧化碳(CO_2)和氮气(N_2)的比例,降低吸入氧气浓度(Fi O_2)和(或)提高吸入CO_2浓度(Fi CO_2),同时开放呼出气通路的方法,使犬动脉血氧分压[p(O_2)]和动脉血二氧化碳分压[p(CO_2)]达到并稳定在某一设定状态。分别在基础状态及造模后1 h和2 h时采集动脉血,检测相关血气指标。结果造模1 h后,实验动物p(O_2)<60 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 k Pa)、p(CO_2)>50 mm Hg,呼吸衰竭犬模型建立成功。造模1 h和2 h时酸碱度(p H)值、血氧含量、动脉血氧饱和度(Sa O_2)、碱剩余(BE)较基础状态降低,p(CO_2)、二氧化碳总量(TCO_2)、碳酸氢根(HCO_3^-)较基础状态升高(P<0.05)。造模2 h时p(O_2)、血氧含量、Sa O_2较造模1 h降低(P<0.05),而p H值、p(CO_2)、TCO_2、HCO_3^-、BE较造模1 h差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论在医用气源汲送装置调控下,成功建立了大型实验动物的呼吸衰竭模型。 Objective To investigate the feasibility and stability of medical gas suction feeding device for copying the model of respiratory failure in dogs.Methods The self-designed medical gas suction feeding device was used to establish the model of respiratory failure in dogs.After regulating the proportion of oxygen(O_2),carbon dioxide(CO_2) and nitrogen(N_2),the fraction of inspiration O_2(FiO_2) was decreased,while the forced inspiratory carbon dioxide(FiCO_2) was increased.At the same time,the breathing out pathway was open to make the arterial oxygen partial pressure p(O_2) and arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressure p(CO_2) reached and stabilized in a stable condition.The arterial blood samples between default state and 1 hour,2 hour after modeling were collected to detect the blood gas index.Results One hour after the establishment of model,the p(O_2)was ≤ 60 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),and p(CO_2) was ≥50 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),which suggested that the dog model of respiratory failure was established successfully.Compared with the basic state,data of pH,oxygen content,oxygen saturation(SaO_2) and residual alkali(BE) were decreased at 1hour and 2 hour after modeling(P<0.05).The p(O_2),oxygen content,SaO_2 were decreased in 2 hour after modeling compared with those of 1h after modeling(P<0.05).There were no significant differences in pH,p(CO_2),TCO_2,HCO_3^-and BE between 1 hour and 2 hour after modeling(P>0.05).Conclusion Under the regulation of the medical gas suction feeding device,the respiratory failure state of large experimental animals is successfully established.
机构地区 天津市海河医院
出处 《天津医药》 CAS 2016年第10期1229-1232,共4页 Tianjin Medical Journal
基金 天津市卫生局重点攻关项目(11KG126)
关键词 医用气源汲送装置 呼吸衰竭 模型 动物 可行性 medical gas suction feeding device respiratory failure models,animal dogs feasibility
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