
转移支付对黄河流域环境治理的效果分析 被引量:13

Result Analysis of Transfer Payment for Environmental Governance in Yellow River Basin
摘要 以省级政府为研究单元,以纵向和横向转移支付政策为主导的两类转移支付政策环境治理效果为主要指标,利用空间计量模型,对我国2007—2014年黄河流域沿线7个省份环境治理状况进行计量分析,评价不同转移支付政策对黄河流域环境治理的效果。结果表明:1转移支付政策将会显著影响省级政府对环境治理的效果,纵向转移支有助于增加黄河流域的财政投入;横向转移支付对环境规制强度有明显的提升作用。2黄河流域省份产业选择和财政支出行为将直接影响环境治理的效果。高污染行业比重过大与地方环境治理财政能力不足都会限制转移支付政策的实施效果。3省级政府环境治理程度与毗邻省市的环境治理程度呈负相关关系,这种竞争关系最终影响黄河流域环境治理效果。根据本文的研究,提出了三个针对性的政策建议:第一,将纵向转移支付和横向转移支付两种方式融合,配套环境指标考核机制,实现对黄河流域环境治理整体性推动;第二,通过产业升级,转变对高污染—高产出企业的经济依赖;第三,均衡各地方政府之间的利益关系,保障毗邻政府双方更好地参与并共同协作保护环境资源。 In this paper, the writer uses the sample data of provinces along the Yellow River from 2007 to 2014. The 7 provinces along the Yellow River Basin are divided into vertical and horizontal transfer payment policy driven by the two categories. The local government response function is constructed based on the classification. By assessing the effects of different transfer payment policies in the Yellow River basin, there are three discoveries. Firstly, the policy of transfer payment will significantly influence the environmental governance of prefecture-level cities. The vertical transfer payment helps to increase financial input to the Yellow River Basin and the horizontal transfer payment improves the environmental regulation intensity obviously. Secondly, the effect of environmental governance will be affected directly by the industry choice and spending behavior of provinces along the Yellow River Basin. Excessive proportion of high pollution industry and the lack of local environmental governance capacity will limit the effect of transfer payment policy. Thirdly, the degree of environmental governance in prefecture-level cities is inversely associated with that in adjacent cities. This competitive relationship finally influences the result of environmental governance in the Yellow River Basin. In the end, according to the research, the paper puts forward three suggestions. The first is to integrate the horizontal transfer payment into the vertical transfer payment, and at the same time, there must be a complete set of environmental indicators evaluation mechanism to improve the environmental governance in the Yellow River Basin integrally. The second is to speed up the industry transformation and upgrading of high pollution industry sectors and to make the local economy get rid of the economic dependency on polluting industries as soon as possible. The third is to a balance the interest relationship between local governments to ensure that the two sides can better participate in the protection of environmental resources.
作者 宋丽颖 杨潭
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期166-172,共7页 Economic Geography
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(12ZD072)
关键词 黄河流域 转移支付 环境治理 Yellow River Basin transfer payment environmental governance
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