
木质素磺酸钠与马来酸酐接枝共聚物的制备及表征 被引量:1

Preparation and Characterization of Sodium Lignosulfonate and Maleic Anhydride Grafted Copolymer
摘要 以木质素磺酸钠(LS)为原料、马来酸酐(MA)为单体、过硫酸铵(APS)为引发剂,在水溶液中进行接枝反应,讨论了温度、马来酸酐用量和马来酸酐氨化程度对接枝产率的影响。采用红外光谱和热重分析对产物进行表征,并通过红外光谱确证了木质素磺酸钠与马来酸酐的接枝,热重分析表明接枝改性的木质素磺酸钠具有更好的热稳定性。试验表明接枝反应的最佳条件为:45℃,MA/LS=1/1,氨水/MA=1/1。接枝反应可提高木质素磺酸钠的活性,为木质素磺酸钠开发利用提供新途径。 Sodium lignosulfonate was modified by graft polymerization with maleic anhydride( MA)in wa-ter solution,which was initiated by ammonium persulfate( APS). Effects of process parameters such as the temperature,concentrations of monomer and degrees of ammoniation of maleic anhydride on the graft productivity were discussed. FTIR was employed to characterize the grafted copolymer. FTIR analysis confirmed the graft copolymerization of lignosulfnate with maleic anhydride and thermogravimetric analysis indicated the grafted lignosulfonate had good thermal stability. The test indicates that the best reaction conditions are:45 ℃,MA/LS=1/1 ,ammonia water/MA=1/1 . The graft with maleic anhydride could advance the activity of lignosulfonate and the development of this kind of reaction provided a new approach for the utilization of lignin.
出处 《西南科技大学学报》 CAS 2016年第2期15-18,共4页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology
基金 西南科技大学重点科研平台专职科研创新团队建设基金项目(14tdsc02)
关键词 木质素磺酸钠 马来酸酐 氨化程度 接枝 Lignosulfonate Maleic anhydride MA ammoniation degree Graft
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