

On the Theory Innovation and its Practice of Translation Textbook Compilation
摘要 刘宓庆主编的《翻译基础》以功能主义翻译观为核心理念,阐述了功能主义翻译观的三大理论范畴——翻译对策论、程序论、方法论。翻译对策论以"功能代偿"为核心,翻译程序论"大处着眼,小处着手"为枢纽,翻译方法论以"分层分析"为手段。该著作必将对我国翻译教学理念的革新以及翻译教学效果的提高起到重要作用。 Professor Liu Miqing,the chief editor of The Basics of Translation,expatiates on functional compensation,translation procedure and translation methodology by adopting translation functionalism as the key concept.His translation strategy centers around functional compensation;his translation procedure hinges on taking the whole context into consideration while making detailed analysis;his translation methodology is oriented toward hierarchical analysis.The publishing of the textbook will greatly promote the innovation of the concepts of translation and the efficiency of translation teaching.
作者 史传龙
出处 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期70-73,共4页 Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences:Social Science Edition
基金 宝鸡文理学院教改项目:基于功能翻译观的英汉翻译教学改革研究与实践(项目编号:13JG041)研究成果
关键词 《翻译基础》 功能主义翻译观 理念创新 The Basics of Translation translation functionalism concept innovation
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