随着"互联网+教育"的提出,在线学习和移动学习成为一种新的学习形式。微课程作为网络学习的重要载体,受到了广泛关注。如何制作出受到学生喜爱的短小精悍的微课程成为教师关注的重点。本文应用新型演示文稿制作软件Prezi和屏幕录制软件Camtasia Studio制作了微课程,并着重介绍了Prezi的使用方法。
With the concept of "Internet+Education", E-learning and mobile learning has become a new form of learning. Micro course has been widely concerned, because it is important to support online learning. How to make dapper micro courses favored by students has become the focus of teachers' attention. In this paper, the writer applies the presentation creation software Prezi and screen recording software Camtasia Studio to produce a micro course, and highlights Prezi use.
Journal of Science and Education