
玛杰里·金斯伯格教师学习动机论及评价 被引量:1

Analysis and Review of Margery B. Ginsberg's Theory of Teacher Learning Motivation
摘要 玛杰里·金斯伯格基于美国多元文化教育的现实背景,探讨如何激发教师的学习动机及让教师经历引发学习动机的环境从而成为动机型教师。研究不同于单纯从心理学关注"动机",而以文化学和成人学习理论为主要理论基础,以文化回应性教学的动机框架为教师创设引发学习动机的环境、在行动研究中维持教师学习动机作为主要方法论,相对系统地阐述教师学习动机问题。然而,作为成人,教师的学习动机有何独特性,如何处理教师教育者、教师自我文化与共享语言之间的关系是此研究仍需进一步研究的话题。 Margery B. Ginsberg explores how to stimulate teachers" learning motivation and make teachers to experience the environment which can trggier learning motivation in the context of American's muhicultural education. So teachers can become motivated teachers.This research different form other researches that focus on psychology perspective. Its main research foundation are culturology and adult learning theory. Ginsberg puts forward the motivation framework of cultural responsive teaching to create teachers" learning environment and teachers" learning motivation in action research as the main method to stimulate and maintain learning motivation. However, teacher as adult, what is the characteristics of learning motivation? How to deal with the relationship between teacher educators, teachers" self culture and shared language? Those topics need to be further clarified.
作者 毛菊
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期25-34,共10页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 新疆自治区重点文科基地新疆师范大学教师教育研究中心项目"美英澳教师学习理论的比较研究"(项目编号:XJEDU040514B02) 新疆师范大学博士启动基金项目"学习投入与教师教育改进研究"(项目编号:XJNUBS1544) 国家民委项目"少数民族文化认同的代际差异与变化研究"(项目编号:2016-GMC-019) 国家社科基金项目"代际视野中新疆哈萨克族文化认同变迁研究"(项目编号:16XMZ044) 新疆普通高校人文社科重点研究基地新疆少数民族双语教育研究中心项目"新疆少数民族双语教师研究"(项目编号:XJEDU040415A01)
关键词 玛杰里·金斯伯格 教师学习 学习动机 Margery B. Ginsberg teacher learning learning motivation
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