Nagel criticized Nozick' s libertarianism respectively from the inviolability of individual rights, the moral foundations of individual rights, and Nozick's critiques on distributive justice of liberal egalitarianism. Although Nagel captured some shortcomings of Nozick's views, such as the imprecision of his arguments and a few misunderstandings, Nagel's arguments were not invulnerable. Nagel pointed out that Nozick did not distinguish the fact that the gravity of different rights to individual was different, nor did he analyze whether it was legitimate to balance the importance of rights among individuals. While Nagel discussed the moral bases of individual rights, he did not find the fact that Nozick's "life meaning" argument could be used to support positive rights opposed by libertarianism. Nagel did not detect the fact that the opposition between Nozick and Rawls on the topic of "natural assets and arbitrariness" was derived from their contrary understandings of self-ownership. This paper attempted to amend and develop Nagel's criticism of libertarianism based on liberal egalitarianism.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)