
振幅整合脑电图在儿童重症监护室癫痫发作中的诊断价值 被引量:31

Diagnostic value of amplitude - integrated electroencephalogram for epileptic seizures in pediatric intensive care unit
摘要 目的评估振幅整合脑电图(aEEG)在诊断神经重症患儿癫痫发作中的价值。方法回顾性分析2014年1月至12月复旦大学附属儿科医院重症监护室收治的重症神经系统疾病患儿,床旁视频脑电图(VEEG)监测≥4h,以同步VEEG监测为标准,VEEG信号通过脑电图自带软件(GalileoNTPMS)转化成单通道(C3-Cr)aEEG及多通道(F3-F4;C3-CA;P3-P4;T3-T4)aEEG,aEEG和VEEG分开判断,采用Spearman等级相关分析单通道及多通道aEEG结合原始单通道或多通道EEG与VEEG识别癫痫发作及癫痫持续状态(SE)的相关性。结果35例患儿共61例次VEEG监测纳入分析。1.性别分布:男24例,女11例;年龄分布:2个月~1岁12例,〉1—6岁13例,〉6~12岁10例;病因分布:重症病毒性脑炎15例,原发性癫痫、颅内出血各6例,缺氧缺血性脑病5例,其他3例。2.癫痫发作VEEG监测结果分成2组:SE组37例次,其中惊厥性SE19例次,病因以重症病毒性脑炎和癫痫最为常见;非惊厥性sE18例次,病因以重症病毒性脑炎、缺氧缺血性脑病和颅内出血最为常见。非SE组24例次,共监测到118次癫痫发作。3.aEEG对癫痫发作及SE识别的相关性:SE组aEEG与VEEG结果完全一致;非SE组单通道和多通道aEEG识别癫痫发作的敏感性分别为79.66%(94/118例次)和91.53%(108/118例次),2组识别癫痫发作次数与VEEG记录的癫痫发作次数均呈正相关(P=0.837、0.901,P均〈0.01)。结论对于重症神经系统疾病患儿,aEEG可简单而有效地监测癫痫发作,单通道aEEG最适合于SE的监测,增加aEEG导联数有助于提高对癫痫发作识别的敏感性。 Objective To assess the value of amplitude -integrated electroencephalogram(aEEG) in diagnose of epileptic seizure and status epilepticus in pediatric intensive care unit(PICU). Methods Thirty - five children ad- mitted to Children's Hospital of Fudan University from January to December 2014 with severe neurologia situation in PICU were investigated,and bedside video -EEG(VEEG) findings were recorded for more than 4 hours. VEEG signals were transformed into aEEG signals by Galileo NT PMS software : one - channel aEEG ( C3 - C4), mutichannel aEEG (F3 -F4;C3 -C4;P3 -P4;T3 -T4) plus original EEG. Electrical seizure activity on VEEG was signed out with re- spect to its occurrence, duration and localization of seizure onset;while aEEG seizure was recorded only during its oc- currence. The relationship between aEEG and VEEG was analyzed by Spearman analysis. Results A total of 61 traces in 35 cases were suitable for analysis. (1) gender: 24 male and 11 female;years of age:12 cases of 2 months - 1 year old, 13 cases 〉 1 -6 years old, 10 cases 〉 6 -12 years old; etiological factors: 15 cases associated with severe viral encephalitis,6 cases associated with epilepsy, 6 cases associated with intracranial hemorrhage, 5 cases associated with hypoxic- ischemic encephalopathy( HIE),3 cases with other factors. (2)The results were divided into 2 groups:status epilepticus (SE) group and epileptic seizures group. There were 37 traces in SE group, 19 traces of them were convul- sive SE, and severe viral encephalitis and epilepsy were the most common causes. The other 18 traces were non- con- vulsive SE,the most common causes were severe viral encephalitis, HIE and intracranial hemorrhage. There were 24 traces in non- SE group, and 118 frequencies of epileptic seizures were monitored. (3)The diagnostic value of aEEG for SE and epileptic seizures :37 traces with status epilepticus on VEEG were all diagnosed as SE on aEEG. For non - SE electrical seizures, the sensitivity of aEEG for detection of electrical seizures was as follows:79.66% (94/118 traces) for one - channel aEEG,91.53% ( 108/118 traces) for multichannel aEEG. Findings from one - channel aEEG and multichannel aEEG were all related to VEEG(p = 0. 837,0. 901, all P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusions The aEEG is a sim- ple and effective method for monitoring epileptic seizures and SE in PICU. One - channel aEEG is the best method to find SE. It is helpful to increase the numbers of channel in order to find epileptic seizures.
出处 《中华实用儿科临床杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第18期1405-1408,共4页 Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
关键词 儿童 神经重症 振幅整合脑电图 癫痫持续状态 癫痫发作 Child Severe neurology situation Amplitude - integrated electroencephalogram Status epilepticus Seizure
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