
秘鲁贝拉斯科军政权的职团主义实践——对“国家支持社会动员体系”的考察 被引量:1

The Corporatism Experiment of Belasco Military Regime in Peru——An Investigation of National System to Support Social Mobilization
摘要 20世纪60、70年代,以贝拉斯科将军为首的秘鲁精英为实现秘鲁经济社会发展,摒弃政党议会制度采取职团主义组织方式,建立了"国家支持社会动员体系",以动员和组织全国民众,并搭建起沟通民众利益诉求和政府决策的渠道。然而,由于军方的支持含混不定、"国家支持社会动员体系"自身组织弊端、秘鲁经济发展面临的困难等因素,职团主义组织形式在秘鲁昙花一现,并未制度化。 In 1960 s and 1970 s the Peruvian elites who were headed by General José Velasco Alvarado abandoned political parties and parliamentary system. Instead by creating National System to Support Social Mobilization they adopted corporatist organization form to mobilize people and make channels between public demands and government decision- making in order to promote economic and social development in Peru. However,since the vague support of military,the organizational defects of National System to Support Social Mobilization and Peruvian economic difficulties the corporatist organization form was short- lived and never institutionalized in Peru.
作者 袁艳
出处 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第4期1-10,共10页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 教育部国别和区域研究培育基地"西南科技大学拉美研究中心"专项(12sxlp12)阶段性成果
关键词 秘鲁 军政权 职团主义 国家支持社会动员体系 Peru Military regime Coporatism National System to Support Social Mobilization
  • 相关文献


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