

A Comparative Study on Constructive Postmodernism and Confucian Culture and Its Contemporary Enlightenment
摘要 儒家文化与建设性后现代主义具有许多"家族相似性",二者虽然分属不同的文化形态,却在面临现代性危机之时,于诸多方面表现出了高度的一致性和相通性。儒家文化不仅为建设性后现代主义的发展提供了丰富的理论文化资源,还在认识论、方法论等方面有助于建设性后现代主义得到进一步完善。然而,建设性后现代主义毕竟发轫于西方早已根深蒂固的现代性哲学思维方式内部,自然也会带有传统固有思维模式的缺陷与不足。由之,建设性后现代主义迫切需要吸收和借鉴作为异质文化形态(儒家文化)所具有的、值得被学习和内化的思想文化资源。二者经过比较研究后形成的相关思想成果和学术资源不仅为破解现代性的危机提供建设性的意见和方案,也为人类社会的可持续发展提供长远的理论支撑和战略规划;二者间的差异性也为促进儒家文化的自我发展与完善,以及东西文化融通奠定了很好的理论基础和认知驱动力。 There are so manyfamily resemblance"between the Confucian culture and the constructive postmodernism,though they belong to different cultural types.In the face of the common problems in the human world,they show a high degree of consistency and connectivity in many ways.When we return to the Confucian culture itself,we will certainly find that the Confucian culture not only provides many theoretical culture resources for the development of constructive postmodernism,but also is of great help for the enrichment and perfection of the constructive postmodernism in epistemology,methodology and many other aspects.However,constructive postmodernism commenced its undertaking,after all,from inside the long-time deep-rooted philosophical way of thinking of modernity;it is natural to take with itself the defects and flaws of the traditional ways of thinking.Therefore,it is in sore need of the absorption and reference from different culture(Confucian culture)for its internalized and valuable ideological and cultural resources.The related ideological results and academic resources after a comparison between the two will certainly supply not only constructive suggestions and schemes for the breaking of modernistic crises but also long-range theoretical supports and strategic planning for the sustainable development of human society.The differences between them have also laid a good theoretical foundation and supplied a cognitive drive to promote the self development and perfection of Confucian culture and cultural accommodation between China and the west.
作者 李飞翔
出处 《苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第5期26-35,共10页 Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou:Social Science
基金 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划资助项目(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)"康德批判哲学的最终归宿"(KYZZ_0049)
关键词 儒家文化 建设性后现代主义 整体有机论 主客二分 Confucian culture constructive postmodernism integrate organism subject-object dichotomy
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